Saturday, June 11, 2011

Doctor's visit

Yesterday was Jay's 3 year check up.  Jay was excited to see her Doctor. She has a doctor coat, stethoscope, blood pressure kit at home that she likes to give "check ups". She loved that she knew exactly what the doctor was doing.  She kept asking "why is my doctor taking sooooooo long?"  She kept her gown on for approximately 30 seconds (just long enough to get a pic). She decided to wait for the doctor in her undies. That is no surprise. She loves to run around naked.  Her clothes come off as soon as she walks through the door everyday. This started before she was one when she figured how to unzip her pjs.  So, she weighed in at 34 pounds (25th percentile) and is 37 inches tall (50th percentile).  The doc says she has gained 6 pounds over the past year. This is probably because we give her whole milk (according to the doctor). She advises to start her on low fat. The problem we have is that studies shown that whole milk is better for kids because it has more DHA (brain food) and doesn't go through the processing that low fat milk does. The doc asked a ton of questions, and we told her about her new daycare. She advised that we make sure she is moved up (advanced) to an older class when she is ready. What parent doesn't want to hear that?  We are comfortable with her just being of average intelligence.  However, I felt really excited that the doctor thought that she was somewhat advanced. Its just nice to know as parents, at least we are doing something right!

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